1 June 2024 - 14:33
  • News ID: 642517
20 New Power Plants Fed by Natural Gas

SHANA (Tehran) - Since the 13th administration took office in August 2021, 20 power plants have been connected to the nationwide natural gas pipeline network to take clean energy as fuel.

According to a report by Shana, by adding these power plants, currently the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) supplies 106 power plants nationwide with the natural gas as their main fuel for generating electricity.

The NIGC’s initiative to increasingly boost natural gas supply to power plants helped the Energy Ministry to achieve zero blackout during the summer of the past two years, when electricity consumption rose considerably due to using cooling devices. 

According to the available data, during last year’s summer power plants met 93 percent of their needs to fuel through receiving natural gas from the natural gas pipelines network, up by 16 percent against a year earlier.  

Despite the fact that meeting the household and business sectors' needs is a priority in winter, NIGC managed to increase the volume of natural gas delivery to power plants above its commitments in order to assist in relieving air pollution.  

Generally, the volume of natural gas delivery to the country’s power plants rose by 11 percent last year when compared with a year earlier, the report announced.  

News ID 642517


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