Record-breaking gas consumption in Tehran; calls for conservation

SHANA (Tehran) – The spokesperson for Tehran Province Gas Company reported on Thursday that gas consumption exceeded 126 million cubic meters (mcm) in the past 24 hours and urged the public to help ensure a stable gas supply by managing their usage.

Ali-Asghar Navaei said Thursday that gas consumption in Tehran Province had surged significantly due to recent cold weather, reaching over 126 mcm in the past day. Of this, nearly 121 mcm were used by households, commercial sectors, and small industries.

Noting the persistent cold weather and increased pressure on the gas network, Navai called on citizens across the country to follow conservation guidelines. "Undoubtedly, public cooperation in reducing gas consumption will help maintain a stable gas supply and prevent potential issues," he said.

The spokesperson also encouraged people to join the "2 Degrees Less" campaign by setting their home and workplace thermostats to 18-21 degrees Celsius, wearing warm clothing indoors, and using thick curtains to assist the gas industry in managing demand.

News ID 655036


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