25 January 2025 - 13:50
  • News ID: 653255
Energy imbalance requires security for investors

SHANA (Tehran) – Addressing Iran’s energy imbalance requires ensuring security for investors and involving the private sector, said Es’haq Jahangiri, former first vice president under the 11th and 12th administrations.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 10th Strategic Congress and Exhibition of Oil and Energy on Saturday, Jahangiri identified high energy consumption, lack of investment resources, and low technology as key factors contributing to the energy imbalance.

"Energy is the backbone of the country," Jahangiri stated at the event, held at the Energy Research Institute. "Without energy, development and progress for the country are meaningless."

Jahangiri emphasized that resolving the energy imbalance first requires creating a secure environment for investors, followed by engaging the private sector. "We must trust the private sector," he said, suggesting that its capabilities could be leveraged to develop renewable energy power plants.

The former vice president highlighted the importance of energy optimization, citing the lack of investment resources, outdated or low-level technology, high energy consumption, and government-controlled pricing as primary reasons for the energy imbalance.

"Today, we must address the fundamental issues of the country," Jahangiri said, noting that Iran has significant opportunities and potential for development.

The 10th Strategic Congress and Exhibition of Oil and Energy, themed "Iran’s Energy Super Crisis and Solutions," features 10 specialized sessions.

Topics include the root causes of Iran’s energy crisis, Russia’s experiences in preventing energy crises, reforming governance structures to address energy imbalances, investment and financing for energy infrastructure development, the cost of blackouts in industry, commerce, agriculture, and households, the capacity of renewable thermal power plants and optimization in reducing electricity imbalances, the political economy of energy imbalances in Iran, investment in upstream industries, and strategies to address gas and gasoline imbalances.

The event will conclude on Sunday.

News ID 653255


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