Energy imbalance requires security for investors
SHANA (Tehran) – Addressing Iran’s energy imbalance requires ensuring security for investors and involving the private sector, said Es’haq Jahangiri, former first vice president under the 11th and 12th administrations.
Iran says more in Control of Oil Sales
TEHRAN (Shana) – First Vice President Eshaq Jahanigiri said Iran has tried to neutralize the impact of the sanctions and has gained a lot of control over its oil sales.
Oil Show Reveals Futility of Sanctions: VEEP
TEHRAN (Shana) – First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri said this year's Iran Oil Show literally proves the ineffectiveness of the sanctions on Iran.
Veep Calls on Allies to be more “Active” in Buying Iran Oil
TEHRAN (Shana) -- First Vice President Eshaq Jahanigiri called on China and other friendly countries to be more active in buying crude oil from Iran.