Addressing a virtual ceremony to launch the potassium sulfate unit of Urmia Petrochemical Plant on Thursday, Rasoul Ashrafzadeh said development of complementary industries and construction of downstream parks to complete the value chain, as well as preventing the import of certain items, production boom, especially in less developed areas, are some of the goals pursued by the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (PGPIC).
IIPGC is a subsidiary of PGPIC.
He pointed out that IIPGC has four downstream parks under way with a production capacity of 3,500,000 tons per year, adding: "The three projects of Lordegan Petrochemical Plant, the second phase of Ilam Petrochemical Plant and the potassium sulfate unit of Urmia belonged to this company which have come on stream in the curren calendar year (which began on March 21).”
He also said that the projects were developed with over 2.5 million tons of production capacity per year.
The official further added that the potassium sulfate unit of Urmia Petrochemical Plant was built with 585 billion Iranian rials of investment and is expected to generate 4,650 billion Iranian rials in revenue annually.
Ashrafzadeh noted that potassium sulfate products are valuable and are used in such industries as chemical fertilizers, laboratory materials and catalysts.
The unit has created 50 direct and 230 indirect jobs.
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