Oil Industry
Nowruz, Heritage of Ancient Iranians
SHANA (Tehran) - Nowruz marks the first day of the solar calendar year, falling on March 20 or 21, depending on whether the preceding year was a leap year. It is one of the most ancient festivities of Iranians, who believed that Nowruz determined human destiny during the New Year. For Iranians, Nowruz has been synonymous with hope.
Paknejad says oil industry acts as pillar of Iran’s independence, resilience
SHANA (Tehran) – Mohsen Paknejad, Iran’s Minister of Oil, in a message marking the anniversary of the nationalization of the oil industry, stated that the oil sector stands as a steadfast pillar of the nation’s independence and a clear symbol of the Iranian people’s capabilities.
Oil Nationalization, a Beginning for Modern Iran
SHANA (Tehran) – As public protests against the Iran-Britain Oil Concession gathered steam and Mohammad Mosadeq led a parliamentary campaign relying on popular support, the Iranian petroleum industry was nationalized in March 1951, immediately after which Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) was expropriated.
NPC head highlights leveraging strategic successes to advance petchem industry
SHANA (Tehran) – The CEO of the National Petrochemical Company (NPC) emphasized the importance of the Petrochemical Industry Excellence Award, stating that the successful presence of petrochemical companies in various fields has driven industry players toward excellence and progress.
Specialized workforce strengthening crucial in exploration sector
SHANA (Tehran) – The director of oil and gas production supervision at the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) emphasized the importance of maintaining and strengthening a specialized workforce in the exploration sector, describing it as the first link in the oil industry’s value chain.
Empowering human resources, foundation of oil industry development
SHANA (Tehran) – The CEO of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), while appreciating the efforts of the industry's employees in addressing the country's gas imbalance, emphasized the importance of agility and enhancing the knowledge level of human resources in subsidiary companies.
New round of US sanctions targets Iran’s oil industry
SHANA (Tehran) – The US Departments of the Treasury and State have jointly imposed sanctions on several individuals and companies associated with Iran's oil industry, as part of Washington's ongoing maximum pressure campaign against Tehran.
Oil Research and Technology Fund to help overcome oil industry development barriers
SHANA (Tehran) – The deputy CEO of the Oil Research and Technology Fund emphasized that research funds must adopt a specialized approach and collaborate with other financial institutions to help remove barriers to the development of the oil and energy industry.
Support for NTBFs should adopt non-governmental approach
SHANA (Tehran) – The deputy of development at the Innovation and Prosperity Fund emphasized the importance of a technology-based economy in the country’s development and the fund’s increased capital, stating that support for new technology-based firms (NTBFs) should adopt a non-governmental approach and utilize modern financing tools.
Synergy vital in oil industry technology ecosystem
SHANA (Tehran) – The most significant initiatives of the oil industry technology ecosystem were outlined at the Third Petrotech Conference, with a strong emphasis on the need for increased synergy to achieve tangible results.
Smart tech development: NIOC's key strategy
SHANA (Tehran) – The CEO of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) stated that significant strides have been made in enhancing productivity, reducing costs, and improving oil reservoir management by focusing on the development of advanced technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), and digitalization.
Oil industry urged to invest in AI
SHANA (Tehran) – The head of the Iran Technology Management Association stated that the oil industry is the sixth-largest user of artificial intelligence (AI) and emphasized that this vast and complex sector must make significant investments in this field.
Mideast Impact on Energy Market
SHANA (Tehran) – The Middle East’s geopolitical outlook has significantly impacted global energy developments due to the crucial role of the region in oil and gas production.
Global Oil Market in 2024: Uncertainty and Volatility
SHANA (Tehran) – The global oil market is a dynamic and complex arena influenced by various factors such as geopolitical tensions, technological advancements, environmental concerns, and shifting consumer preferences.
65 oil, gas fields discovered in 45 years
SHANA (Tehran) - Iran sits atop the world’s largest oil and gas reserves combined, amounting to 1,200 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe).
NIOC head: Oil industry stands with the people
SHANA (Tehran) – The managing director of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) stated that oil industry leaders are part of the people and must stand by them in all areas.
From the perspective of managers:
Opportunities and challenges during 46 years of Iranian oil industry (Final Part)
SHANA (Tehran) – The development of South Pars and the oilfields of West Karoun, the capabilities of Iranian exploration and production companies, the factual nationalization of the oil industry, the fostering of self-reliance and independence, and more are among the most significant achievements of this industry over the 46 years since the Islamic Revolution in Iran.
From the perspective of managers:
Opportunities and challenges during 46 years of Iranian oil industry (Part Five)
SHANA (Tehran) – The development of South Pars and the oilfields of West Karoun, the capabilities of Iranian exploration and production companies, the factual nationalization of the oil industry, the fostering of self-reliance and independence, and more are among the most significant achievements of this industry over the 46 years since the Islamic Revolution in Iran.
Oil industry managed without foreign dependence
SHANA (Tehran) – The minister of oil stated that when foreign entities left the oil industry, it might have been difficult for them to believe that local colleagues and workers could manage this complex industry without their presence as today, we witness self-sufficiency in various sectors of the oil industry.
NIOC head:
Oil industry drives Iran’s economy amid turbulence, sanctions
SHANA (Tehran) – The CEO of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) highlighted the role of the oil industry in the country’s economy over recent decades, stating that for the past 46 years, the oil sector has been the driving force behind Iran’s economy and a lifeline for the Islamic Revolution during times of turmoil and sanctions.
From the perspective of managers:
Opportunities and challenges during 46 years of Iranian oil industry (Part One)
SHANA (Tehran) – The development of South Pars and the oilfields of West Karoun, the capabilities of Iranian exploration and production companies, the factual nationalization of the oil industry, the fostering of self-reliance and independence, and more are among the most significant achievements of this industry over the 46 years since the Islamic Revolution in Iran.
Iran’s oil industry achievements in focus
SHANA (Tehran) – Over the past 45 years, Iran's oil industry has faced numerous challenges, including imposed war and sanctions. Despite these obstacles, it has continued to develop and progress, thanks to the dedication and expertise of its workforce, earning a distinguished position on the global stage. This photo gallery highlights some of the industry's key achievements, driven by the unity, specialized skills, and unwavering determination of the Iranian people behind the scenes.
Iran's oil industry: A story of resilience and progress
SHANA (Tehran) – The story of Iran's oil industry on the eve of the 46th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution must be told differently—not through official reports, but through the real, hard-fought efforts of men and women who, at the cost of their lives during years of war and sanctions, ensured that not a single day of Iran's oil production and exports was halted, even without the presence of foreign companies.
Deputy minister:
Iranian E&P companies fully developed in oil projects implementation
SHANA (Tehran) – The deputy minister of oil for research and technology stated that the efforts launched eight years ago to develop Iranian exploration and production (E&P) companies have now come to fruition, as he expressed hope for the active participation of capable Iranian companies in oil projects.
Iran’s first center of WRFM inaugurated
SHANA (Tehran) – The first simultaneous, real-time center for Wells Reservoir and Facility Management (WRFM) in Iran was launched on Tuesday with an investment of $10 million in its first phase.
VP calls for shift from business intelligence to AI in oil industry
SHANA (Tehran) – The Vice President for Science, Technology, and Knowledge-Based Economy emphasized the need to focus on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the oil industry, stating that in order to reach AI, business intelligence must first be achieved.
Oil Production up by 60,000 b/d
SHANA (Tehran)—The CEO of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) says that since the 14th administration took office in August, Iran's daily oil production has increased by 60,000 barrels, predicting that by the end of the Iranian year of 1403 on 20 March 2025, production to reach about 200,000 to 250,000 barrels per day.
NIOC Head Underlines the Importance of Passive Defense
SHANA (Tehran) -The CEO of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), Hamid Bovard, stated that the oil industry is the driving engine of the country’s economy, underscoring its importance in passive defense.
Ministr of Petroleum:
Standardization Crucial to Balanced Development
SHANA (Tehran) - Iranian Minister of Petroleum Mohsen Paknejad emphasized the importance of standardization and its role in the development and sustainability of the oil industry.
Petroleum Ministry Ranks First in Free Access to Information
SHANA (Tehran) - The Ministry of Petroleum ranks first in responsiveness and free access to information among executive bodies.