Household Quotas in Gasoline Pilot Plan not less than 60 Liters
TEHRAN (Shana) -- The CEO of the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC) said: "Measures have been considered so that the quota of households in the pilot of the new gasoline distribution plan will not be less than 60 liters."
Golden Days for Iran Refining
TEHRAN (Shana) -- The coronavirus has given our planet a new chance to breathe. Travel rates have dropped sharply. Demand for oil and petroleum products has been falling since the outbreak of the pandemic. Oil wells and refineries across the globe are shutting down one after another. Despite the historic OPEC+ agreement for oil production cut, oil price slump has not stopped. However, there is no sign of increased demand for oil and petroleum products in the market.
The Impacts of Middle East Gas Condensate Splitters on the Condensate and Naphtha Market
TEHRAN (Shana) -- East and Southeast Asia is the major consumer of the Middle East gas condensate. Iran plans to reduce its gas condensate export to zero by increasing condensate processing capacity. Qatar also decreases its condensate exports by expanding condensate splitters within the country. What would happen for condensate splitters in the East and Southeast Asia?
Iran Launches Major Petrol Project
TEHRAN (Shana) -- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani inaugurated Phase III of Bandar Abbas Gas Condensate Refinery (also called the Persian Gulf Star Refinery) in southern Iran.
NIORDC to Launch Integrated Distribution Management System for Oil Products
TEHRAN (Shana) – The National Iranian Oil Products Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC) is planning to launch an integrated system for distribution management of petroleum products.