Upstream energy investment transformation event to be held in Tehran

SHANA (Tehran) – The Strategic Transformation in Iran’s Upstream Oil and Gas Sector event, aimed at unlocking investment and financing in National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) projects, will take place on April 15, in Tehran.

For the first time, the event will showcase over 200 investment and financing opportunities for NIOC projects under various contractual frameworks in the upstream oil and gas sector.

The event will outline NIOC’s policies and measures to streamline the process of awarding and executing upstream oil and gas contracts (IPC), address financing challenges for exploration and production companies under the "New Upstream Oil and Gas Financing Directive" within the "Production and Infrastructure Financing Law," and present models and opportunities for transferring other projects through public-private partnerships (PPP) in accordance with Article 20 of the "Seventh Five-Year Development Plan (2024-28)."

Key themes

1. Introducing investment and financing opportunities for NIOC projects in oil and gas field development, flare gas recovery, rapid construction of processing units, gas pressure boosting stations, water supply projects, pipeline construction, crude oil storage tanks, smart pigging, power generation and transmission, and optimization projects.

2. Presenting new economic incentives for investing in NIOC projects.

3. Explaining the dimensions of IPC contracts for oil and gas field development.

4. Clarifying the aspects of public-private partnership contracts.

5. Highlighting financing capacities for NIOC investment contracts.

Specialized sessions, including those on exploration and production companies, oil field development opportunities, and gas field development opportunities, will also be held during the event.

Interested participants can register and attend the event by visiting the NIOC Investment and Business Management website at

News ID 309788


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