22 August 2020 - 15:34
  • News ID: 306338
Gas Production Begins at 3rd Phase 13 Platform

TEHRAN (Shana) -- The operator of phase 13 of South Pars gas field announced completion of the standard stages of commissioning and the start of rich gas recovery from the third platform of this project.

According to Pars Oil and Gas Company, Payam Motamed, referring to the start of rich gas production operations from the 13C platform of South Pars gas field, said: "Due to the opening of the wells of this platform and the lighting of its flare stack, after stabilizing the production process, on Friday (August 21), delivery of 400 million cubic feet of gas to onshore refinery of this project began.”

He said that the 13C Satellite Platform was connected to the ‌13A main platform through an 18-inch pipeline. The gas from this satellite platform is transferred to the 13A platform facilities and after a series of operational measures in this platform, through a 32-inch pipeline that extends 100 km, it is sent to the Phase 13 refinery in Kangan.

Operator of phase 13 of South Pars, stating that the 13C satellite platform of South Pars with all its accessories including jacket, bridge and flare stack weighs about 7,000 tons, said: “The various equipment of this huge structure was supplied by Iran Marine Industrial Company (SADRA) as the contractor of the offshore section of Phase 13 and were built at Bushehr Yard of this company.”

Motamed stated that the current capacity of rich gas recovery from offshore platforms of phase 13 is 43 mcm per day, and said: “28.5 mcm of this amount is provided by the two platforms of B and D from the first phase of the project, which came on stream back in March 2018, and the remaining 14.2 mcm is supplied by Platform C.”

News ID 306338


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