
  • British Expropriation

    British Expropriation

    TEHRAN (Shana) -- Less than 10 years after Britain had emerged winner in the World War, Iranians nationalized their petroleum industry. That cost Britain dearly because they had recorded a strong victory in World War II and were gradually imposing their culture and language upon the world through media and economic policies. They were used to moving from country to country and change governments as they wished. They even installed British rulers in some nations. British colonies were rising in number. Relying on its strength, Britain claimed sovereignty over the entire globe. Under such circumstances, the oil nationalization movement called into question Britain’s political authority. The conditions worsened when Britain suffered a legal defeat at the international court of arbitration in the face of Iran. In the meantime, the influence of Iran’s oil nationalization on the Middle East and North Africa led to the formation of scattered small and large movements across the region. All these movements were hostile to British colonialism. Gholam-Reza Nejati, author of The Petroleum Industry Nationalization Movement, writes: “Britain was a world superpower. It was present everywhere. But it had suffered a deadly blow from a third world nation, i.e. Iran. The nationalization movement in Iran served as a model for other nations. Iran’s oil nationalization was the first well-organized anti-colonial movement in the Middle East. That is how Iran became a role model for other countries. Following the oil nationalization in Iran, General Najeeb and General Nasser rose up against the Farouk rule in Egypt and the Suez Canal was nationalized on 26 July 1956.”

  • History of Western Iran Oil Discovery

    History of Western Iran Oil Discovery

    TEHRAN (Shana) -- If we want to find the root of Iran’s petroleum industry, we need to go through a process whose ups and downs are interlinked with the history of Iran.

  • Oil Figures in Iran’s Contemporary History: From Conspiracy to Death

    Oil Figures in Iran’s Contemporary History: From Conspiracy to Death

    TEHRAN (Shana) -- Iran’s oil history has been into ups and downs. It would not be exaggeration if we say that we have had several hundred years of history throughout one hundred years of oil operation. In historical events, some persons have played significant roles, leading either to success or to failure. Some have served the country and some have turned out to be traitors. In fact, such figures make history and drive it forward. Decisions and behaviors of historical figures have been influential on Iran’s contemporary history. Getting to know this history can open a bright horizon for us. Here we review some of these figures:

  • Oil in Abadan and MIS

    Oil in Abadan and MIS

    TEHRAN (Shana) -- Masjed Soleiman (MIS) and Abadan were the most known socio-engineering examples of the operation of a British company in Iran. These two cities were established in the Third World Iran in the form of modern colonies. The necessity of establishment of such cities following the discovery of oil in the region, their general shape and division of localities, form of houses and districts and the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC)’s authority over these cities are among important points to be taken into consideration.