Gasoline consumption exceeds 125m liters on eighth day of spring

SHANA (Tehran) - Iran’s gasoline consumption reached 125.7 million liters yesterday, marking a decrease of 1.8 million liters compared to the same day last year.  

According to statistics from the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, 125.7 million liters of gasoline were distributed across the country on Friday (the eighth day of the Iranian calendar month of Farvardin). This figure reflects a drop of 1.8 million liters, or 1.4%, compared to the 127.5 million liters recorded on the same day last year (Farvardin 8, 1403).  

The average gasoline consumption between the first and eighth days of Farvardin this year was 126.3 million liters. Additionally, the country’s gasoline consumption on the sixth and seventh days of Farvardin 1404 was recorded at 134.8 million liters and 139.3 million liters, respectively.  

News ID 656142

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