Iran Invites Kuwait to Negotiations Table on Arash Gas Field

SHANA (Tehran) - Iranian Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman, Naser Kanaani, recommended the neighboring country Kuwait to start expertise and technical talks with Tehran on the Arash gas field.

Speaking at a press conference on the sidelines of Tehran International Book Fair, Kanaani said that starting technical and legal talks is the only solution to resolve bilateral disputes on the gas field.   

He continued: with regard to the Arash gas field, our stance is very clear. Our maritime borders with Kuwait have not been marked yet and that is why we can’t talk about the neighboring country’s exact share of the gas field.  

According to him, Iran and Kuwait have held nine rounds of talks which will be continued until they can complete their maritime borders status “and before that, the only way forward is continuation of legal and technical negotiations without resorting to media controversies.”

While emphasizing its goodwill with neighboring countries, Iran invites the Kuwaiti government to return to the table of technical and expert negotiations in order to reach a stable agreement that will secure the interests of both sides, the foreign affairs ministry spokesman said.

“We also welcome not only boosting bilateral relations with the neighboring countries in the Persian Gulf region but also welcome multilateral cooperation in the region including economic cooperation and trade as well as security to the benefit of all the Persian Gulf region countries.” Kanaani concluded.

News ID 641739


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