12 May 2015 - 17:26
  • News ID: 240895
India Willing to Buy Light Naphtha

TEHRAN May 12(Shana)--Indian companies are willing to purchase light naphtha from Iran’s Lavan refinery, a top brokerage commissioner said.

“Demand by domestic and foreign customers for light naphtha produced by Lavan refinery is growing and the Indians are at the forefront,” Mehrad Rafizadeh, director of Bank Pasargad’s brokerage said.

He said that Bank Pasargad’s brokerage has sold 150,000 tons of light naphtha, the highest volume ever at Iran Energy Exchange (IRENEX).

Rafizadeh said an Indian company bought the 150,000 tons for more than IRR 2,512 billion.

News ID 240895

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