Of this, 4.568 bcm were consumed by the residential, commercial, and small industrial sectors, with an average daily consumption of approximately 653 million cubic meters (mcm).
This year’s cold weather began unprecedentedly early in November and persisted through most of the remaining days of the year, peaking last week. The extreme cold led to two new records in gas consumption for the residential, commercial, and small industrial sectors.
On Tuesday and Wednesday (February 25-26), gas consumption reached 692 mcm and 703 mcm, respectively.
Earlier estimates by authorities projected average daily gas consumption for the residential, commercial, and small industrial sectors at 371 mcm in Aban, 468 mcm in Azar, 538 mcm in Dey, 540 mcm in Bahman, and 439 mcm in Esfand.
However, due to the prolonged cold, the actual delivery of natural gas to the national grid exceeded these estimates. Average daily deliveries were recorded at 417 mcm in Aban, 561 mcm in Azar, 614 mcm in Dey, and 636 mcm in Bahman.
During the week ending February 28, which included the coldest days of the year, gas consumption in the residential, commercial, and small industrial sectors saw an unprecedented surge. On Wednesday (February 26), a new record of 703 mcm of gas consumption was set in these sectors, accounting for 82% of the country’s total gas production.
According to the report, 863 mcm of gas were injected into the grid on February 22, with 589 mcm consumed by the residential and commercial sectors. On February 23 and 24, gas deliveries to the grid remained high at 870 mcm and 862 mcm, respectively, while residential and commercial consumption reached 606 mcm and 645 mcm.
Gas consumption in the residential, commercial, and small industrial sectors peaked on February 25 and 26. On February 25, 867 mcm of natural gas were delivered to the grid, with 692 mcm consumed by the residential and commercial sectors.
On February 26, 856 mcm were delivered, and residential and commercial consumption reached 703 mcm.
On February 27 and February 28, gas deliveries remained high, with 866 mcm delivered on February 27 and 864 mcm on February 28. Residential and commercial consumption on these days was 684 mcm and 649 mcm, respectively.
Analysis of gas consumption from February 22-28 shows that despite high delivery levels, consumption in the residential, commercial, and small industrial sectors continued to rise, reaching record highs on some days.
Overall, 6.048 bcm of natural gas were delivered to the grid during this period, with 4.568 bcm consumed by the residential, commercial, and small industrial sectors. The average daily consumption in these sectors was approximately 653 mcm, 214 mcm higher than the 439 mcm initially estimated by authorities for Esfand.
Despite the sustained cold and increased demand, the National Iranian Gas Company’s smart management and performance in meeting the country’s energy needs demonstrate precise planning and the relentless efforts of industry workers. Even during unprecedented cold spells, the gas supply network operated without disruption, meeting consumer demands. On some of the coldest days this year, residential gas consumption exceeded 700 mcm, yet the gas supply network remained stable.
Given the new wave of severe cold, continuing the "Two Degrees Less" campaign, as in previous cold spells, can help maintain the stability of the gas supply network.
This campaign, aimed at optimizing gas consumption during the winter months, has played a significant role in controlling pressure and ensuring network stability. Additionally, ongoing efforts to optimize and reduce residential consumption through this campaign have supported the stable supply of gas to key production sectors, including major industries, power plants, and petrochemical facilities, preventing declines in output in critical sectors.
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