29 January 2022 - 16:49
  • News ID: 452547
Cumulative Rich Gas Output from South Pars at 2,000 bcm

TEHRAN (Shana) -- Director of Production and Operations of Pars Oil and Gas Company announced the cumulative growth of gas production from South Pars since the beginning of operation in 2002 at about 2,000 billion cubic meters.

“The value of this cumulative production is estimated at 360 billion dollars, said Alireza Ebadi.

The duties of Pars Oil and Gas Company are divided into two areas of development and production, which are in the field of development, construction and operation of South Pars projects and in the field of production, according to the operation and management of the offshore sector, currently, more than 70% of the country's gas is extracted from the South Pars field,” he said.

He added: "The South Pars joint gas field is blocked in such a way that it has the highest efficiency and exploitation, and considering that Qatar has about 60% of the total area of ​​the field, the amount of recovery should be measured taking into account this issue."

News ID 452547


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