14 March 2025 - 15:57
  • News ID: 655788
SPGC delivers 46,000 MW of electricity to national grid

SHANA (Tehran) – The acting head of joint operations at the South Pars Gas Complex (SPGC) announced that the Besat Power Plant, part of the South Pars Gas Complex, has delivered more than 46,000 megawatts of electricity to the national grid through significant efforts and the dedication of its staff.

Ali Safaralizadeh made the remarks during a visit by a group of students and cultural activists from Bidakhun city mosques, who were touring various units of the Besat Power Plant as part of the "Rahian-e Pishraft" (Progress Caravan) initiative.

He stated that the South Pars Gas Complex, relying on the expertise and creativity of its talented local workforce, has achieved outstanding operational performance across all sectors in the year 1403.

Safaralizadeh emphasized that the significant accomplishments of the South Pars Gas Complex in 1403 reflect the dynamism and innovation of its employees. He added that, as a result, the Besat Power Plant has delivered over 46,000 megawatts of electricity to the national grid from the beginning of the year to its final days.

The acting head of joint operations highlighted the importance of sharing these achievements and the capabilities of domestic experts with the younger generation and students, ensuring they become more familiar with these milestones. He noted that the successful permanent connection of the Besat Power Plant to Pars 2 and the national grid, aimed at ensuring electricity stability at Site 2, is one of the key achievements of 1403.

Safaralizadeh concluded by stating that all progress and major accomplishments have been made possible through the sacrifices of martyrs and the determination of Iran's youth and scientists. He stressed the importance of taking pride in these young individuals and avoiding self-deprecation.

News ID 655788


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