Shiraz Oil Refinery’s Euro Gasoline Plan Ready to Come Online

SHANA (Tehran) - The Shiraz oil refinery's improving gasoline quality plan, which will upgrade the quality of 1.6 million liters of its daily gasoline production to euro-5 standards, is ready to come online.

Managing director of the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC) Jalil Salari told Shana, adding that the 13th administration, from the beginning of taking office, started the implementation of optimization plans at all oil refineries across the country, part of which has become operational.

At Shiraz oil refinery, optimizing the quality of the produced gasoil is also on the agenda, a plan which upon completion is slated to improve the quality of the product to euro standards; Salari said.  

In a few months, the gasoil optimization plan of the refinery will also come online to improve the quality of nearly all the 3.2 million liters of daily gasoil production to euro standards; he added.

According to Salari, launching the two optimization plans will allow the Fars province’s residents to use gasoline and gasoil compatible with euro standards.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he said that the country’s daily gasoline production stands at 105 million liters, of which 68 percent enjoy environmental standards even though the figure will reach 71 percent considering 1.6 million liters of additional euro standard gasoline produced at Shiraz oil refinery.  

Two other optimizing gasoline production plans are underway at the Kermanshah and Abadan oil refineries which upon their completion, all the gasoline produced by Iranian oil refineries will enjoy euro standards.

Concerning gasoil quality, it should be noted that 84 million liters of domestically produced gasoline per day are low-sulfur products of which 60 million liters carry euro standards, and Shiraz oil refinery’s gasoil upgrading plan, upon launching, will increase the figure; according to Salari. 

News ID 645431


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